Necessary authorities include the power in exigent circumstances to guarantee liabilities, provide loans and take other stabilising measures. 必要的权限包括(在紧急情况下)担保债务、提供贷款以及采取其它有利于稳定的措施的权力。
Traditional systems of guarantee in contractual liabilities, apart from amnesty guaranty that has no value today, are important far us to use far reference in the course of the development of the development of fair compctition in the modern market economy. 传统买卖之债的担保制度,在今天除恩赦担保完全失去价值外,其馀则对现代市场经济进一步培育诚信公平理念,不无借鉴意义。
The recommendation agency shall examine the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of application materials for resumption of listing of the company, and issue a letter of listing sponsor after confirming that the company is qualified for resumption of listing and guarantee to undertake joint and several liabilities. 保荐机构应当对公司恢复上市申请材料的真实性、准确性和完整性进行核查,在确信公司具备恢复上市条件后出具恢复上市保荐书,并保证承担连带责任。
The sum of the total amount of the guarantee of foreign exchange provided by a non-financial institution and its total amount of foreign liabilities may not exceed the ceiling prescribed by the People's Bank of China. 非银行金融机构提供的外汇担保总额与对外债务总额之和,最高不得超过人民银行规定的限额。
The US public has ended up with an open-ended guarantee of the liabilities created by supposedly private entities. 美国公众最终要为本应属于私营的企业提供无限债务担保。
Rectify the credit Balance of trust Business, decrease the risk of various trust assets and guarantee the payment of trust liaBilities 调整信托业务存量,降低各项信托资产的风险,保障信托负债的按时支付
The guarantee of the genuineness, accuracy and integrity of contents of the Special Financial Statement and the acceptance to bear legal liabilities by the board of directors and the management. 董事会和管理层对专题财务报告所载内容真实、准确、完整、合规的保证和承担法律责任的承诺。
All losses incurred from guarantee liabilities may be deducted before payment of business tax in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations. 担保机构实际发生的代偿损失,可按照规定在企业所得税税前扣除。
To solve the non-payment problem in Chinese construction market, the author suggests to introduce the Construction Contract Guarantee Bonding System in Guangdong province first, in which both contractor's and owner's liabilities are covered. 针对我国工程款拖欠问题严重的现实,笔者提出在广东省推行工程保证担保制度应该由工程承包保证担保制度和业主支付保证担保制度两大部分组成。
The Interpretation of the Guarantee Law implies that any company is prohibited to offer a guarantee for shareholders or individuals 'liabilities. 《担保法解释》暗含禁止公司为股东与个人债务提供担保之意。